shader room?

some of the old poser sets didnt give a graysxcale bumpmap,
is there a way to make the albedo map grayscale, right there in the bump channel with multiply magic?
invert color doesnt help much. there prolly some way to desaturate and dehue ?
Use a mixer to mix black and white, make the blender the colour texture map, then also add a curve filter to the blender to give some control
kewl thanks!
I think Carrara treats it as a greyscale regardless because it has a separate option for a normal map, I just plonk my diffuse in it (or Albedo)
Back when I was coming up with my plan to create shaders that work well with speed rendering, I was noticing that many color maps don't produce the best bump maps - the lightness (L) levels are often off due to the need to get the right colors in the color channel.
A big example of this is hair, which is almost always darker than the skin, making it bump inwards instead of outwards.
My fix was to
I still do a lot of tweaking with maps to get them how I want them to work in my shaders.
any tips for volumetric shaders?
i feel like theres a secret to making a lightning storm with the marble patternn
Farscape's starburst
Andromeda's slipstream
Star war's hyper space transition