Index out of bounds spam with dforce
Posts: 421
D:\DAZDevel\Hudson\HUDSON_HOME\jobs\NB_Studio_Trunk\workspace\src\sdk\include\dztarray.h(166): Index out of range in DzTArray::operator[]
It appears to be an internal library. The directory doesn't exist. Yes I've read the "disable log file" post that someone else posted about it. No, their solution didn't work. Yes, I have reinstalled and updated my drivers.
Any other ideas?
When is this happening?
It happens when I try to simulate cloth. Doesn't seem to be related to any specific product. The scene I originally noticed it had 3 characters with dforce hair and shorts, but it seems to be happening in other scenes as well
And is it actually causing a problem with the simulation?
My simulation times increased by 10-15x since I noticed the error
found the same messages in my log today after getting an error using simulate on some dforce hair
worked last week without issues on the same character, but today i can t get simulation running anymore, getting an almost immidiate error
and often the studio completley crashes to desktop