Alembic export HELP

Hello all, 

I downloaded the plug-in to be able to export in Alembic.

it was working well until today. 
For no reason I dont see the option appearing anymore in the list of export option. 
Anybody knows why? or how I can solve this issue?

Also I tried to re-instal the plug in and the software several time but it didnt work.
Daz is so unstable it's annoying :( 
( I am on windows ) 



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,885

    Did you enter the serial number in Help>About Instralled Plug-ins and restart Daz Studio?

  • cyrilldurigon said:

    Hello all, 

    I downloaded the plug-in to be able to export in Alembic.

    it was working well until today. 
    For no reason I dont see the option appearing anymore in the list of export option. 
    Anybody knows why? or how I can solve this issue?

    Also I tried to re-instal the plug in and the software several time but it didnt work.
    Daz is so unstable it's annoying :( 
    ( I am on windows ) 


    If you think DS is unstable, you're going to love the Alembic plugin.

    Try Sagan.

  • Richard! Thank you so much! 

    Yes it was it, now it's working. 
    Before I installed it from the manager and I dont remember having to copy and paste the serial key.
    But you were right. It think they should mention it in the description page of the plug in in the installation section, because it's not clear. 

    Thank you again ! 

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    I just recently tried sagan Works great!
  • Hey, opening thread again, but I'm really in need of a bit of a help here. 

    I've purchased and downloaded the Alembic exporter plugin, but I've tried loading the .abc file both in C4D and in Blender, and it says 'Unable to load file', I've tried other .abc files and they're simply working perfectly, is this plugin started working maybe with the latest versions of Daz Studio perhaps?

    I really need it some help.

    I'm attaching one of the alembic files I've exported with the plugin, but again, seems like they are somehow corrupted.


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710
    edited December 2021

    hello said:

    Hey, opening thread again, but I'm really in need of a bit of a help here. 

    I've purchased and downloaded the Alembic exporter plugin, but I've tried loading the .abc file both in C4D and in Blender, and it says 'Unable to load file', I've tried other .abc files and they're simply working perfectly, is this plugin started working maybe with the latest versions of Daz Studio perhaps?

    I really need it some help.

    I'm attaching one of the alembic files I've exported with the plugin, but again, seems like they are somehow corrupted.


    If you are unable to receive help in the thread, please open a ticket to have them assist you. We also don't see any attachment. 

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • hello said:

    Hey, opening thread again, but I'm really in need of a bit of a help here. 

    I've purchased and downloaded the Alembic exporter plugin, but I've tried loading the .abc file both in C4D and in Blender, and it says 'Unable to load file', I've tried other .abc files and they're simply working perfectly, is this plugin started working maybe with the latest versions of Daz Studio perhaps?

    I really need it some help.

    I'm attaching one of the alembic files I've exported with the plugin, but again, seems like they are somehow corrupted.


    The files are probably not corrupt, but the store alembic exporter does use a very outdated encoding, i.e. HDF5, which isn't supported by Blender anymore. Use Sagan.

  • Willy2Willy2 Posts: 177

    The latest version of Cinema 4D (the R25) no longer reads Alembic files in HDF5 format. It uses the new Ogawa format.

    If you have an older version of Cinema 4D (e.g. R20), you can import the DazStudio files created with the Alembic export plugin. Then, still from C4D, you export the file again in Ogawa format.


    -> Exporting the file in Alembic format (HDF5)

    -> Import in an old version of C4D (C4D R20 for the example) 

    -> Export the file to Alembic format (Ogawa)

    -> Import in C4DR25

    Anyway, this plugin should be updated to use Ogawa format.

  • There is also a converter that comes with the Alembic distro that reads HDF5 and writes Ogawa, but that just creates another step.

  • Hey guys, thank you so much, I was bashing my head out trying to understand what was going on and you've nailed it. 

    I've downloaded R21 and imported the alembic files and it worked perfectly, from C4D I could export into Ogawa and take it back to R25. It is a workaround, but it works! Maybe worth to simply updating that plugin to support Ogawa would be a great idea indeed. First because of unaware people like me, and two because it's a great way to import HD meshes directly into C4D. 


  • Hello, community guys!  I have a good solution for Alembic Exporter:
    Install Houdini (demo is enough)
    It cames with Stand-alone utilitiy abcconvert

    {Convert between Alembic formats}
    It can be used to convert .abc files between HDF5 and Ogawa without any interpretation of the file (i.e. lossless).
    abcconvert [-force] targetformat infile outfile 

    Then make two files via notepad in one folder, [ change to YOUR PATH of installed abcconvert.exe ]:


    @echo off  
    if exist %1 goto :START else goto :EOF

    set OUTNAME=converted_%~n1
    "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.5.351\bin\abcconvert.exe" -toOgawa %1



    copy Alembic_Convert.bat %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo

    After that simply run install_converter.bat

    And you will be able to convert your alembics via Explorer`s "Send to" context menu!
    After converting, its very fast, you will have a new file "" - it can be imported in new versions of Cinema 4D, Blender, etc...
    if you have any questions, you may write to me in DM instagram:

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