Hey there, fellow Carrara Users!

I have to go rock out on my drums for a while, but wanted to just say:


I truly Love being part of this Incredible Family!!!


Love You All - Have a Happy 4TH!!!


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Thanks! And may the fourth be with you! 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    happy 4th

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    click to celebrate.  laugh

    It is good stuff, Hilts.

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    The great Dave Alvin (ex Blasters), saw him long ago at the Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston (long defunct).  

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    it's the 5th surprise

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Happy fifth of july ! 

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    The show was great! 82 degrees F

    But Ungh.... not for 9 hrs of work after 4 hrs sleep... ungh....

    Sneak Peek - New Rosie 8 (not exactly in production - just testing things)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    I was already using Lara, and now I've mixed in Sol, who is also an absolute cutie!



    I was still needing some morphs that I couldn't find anywhere for Genesis 8 Female, so I bought RiverSoft Art's Character Convertor - Genesis 2 Female to Genesis 8 Female.

    What I couldn't get from Genesis 2 Female, I used GenX2 to send morphs to G2F and then add them that way. I had too much fun and got a little carried away, so I have some morph cleanup to do! ;)

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