seperate legs, tails, and ears for genesis 8/8.1?

UpiriumUpirium Posts: 711

I had some characters made on genesis 2 that had separate legs/tails/etc. I guess the tail isn't as much an issue as legs/ears.

So I had one of them using Reptilian 6 legs. He had human skin and all but reptilian legs.

The other one had furred cat ears and cat legs, but also had human skin, from creature creator.

Now I know that there are morphs for the new genesis models that instead of a separate figure it is on the main body. My issue is still having human skin with fur/scale legs. Do I neeed to frankenstein a MAT together? But I'm assuming that the settings for the materials would also be what can I do about that? Furthermore, what about ears and fur? How do I go about that?


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