"Youth Morph" slider equivalency
Posts: 51
I have three related questions, please:
Under Shaping for Gen 8 male. I have a "Youth Morph" Slider.
- Where did it come from?
- Why doesn't the female Gen 8 have this slider? and
- Is there a scale written down where the percentage of the slider corresponds to a certain age? For example, does 65% = 11 years old?
Thanks You!
_kevin p
You must have this installed;
Genesis 8 Female version;
Support thread;
There's no way to create such a scale as the result would be different depending on which character you start from.
Also because humans grow at different rates.
The WHO provides charts showing statistically expected height and weight vs. age of infants:
Boys: https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set1clinical/cj41c021.pdf
Girls: https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set1clinical/cj41c022.pdf
As you can see, there is quite a bandwith. I found it better to just have a reference photo and dial the shape in until it looks appropriate compared to an adult.
If I need a character of a certain height I create a cylinder length 1m and scale it to the desired height. Then I match my figure using the growing-up morph.