Change Perspective View settings or creating a View camera?

SotoSoto Posts: 1,440


I like my camera's Frame Width at 18 because I find the default perspective effect too harsh for my taste.

This is good for created cameras, but of course, they register to undo history, so it's not good for viewing the scene while working.

Is there a way to adjust the perspective view settings OR create a view camera with my preferred settings?


I can create a camera via script using this I found here in the forums:


// Create a new cameravar oCam = new DzBasicCamera( );oCam.setName( "Test Camera" ); // Add the camera to the sceneScene.addNode( oCam );



And I found this in the Documentation Center which seems like what I need:


DzBasicCamera( DzCamera::CameraType type=DzCamera::PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA, Boolean isViewCamera=false )Create a camera of the given type.Parameter(s):type - The type of the camera.isViewCamera - If true, the camera is a view camera - that is, it only exists as a camera for the purpose of viewing the scene, but is not a member of the scene and is non-animatable. If false, the camera is a normal camera that is a member of the scene.Example:// Create a new orthographic camera that looks forward on the Z axis.DzCamera	*cam = new DzBasicCamera( DzCamera::FRONT_CAMERA ); // Name the camera and add it to the scenecam->setName( "My Camera" );dzScene->addNode( cam );



But I don't know what to do with it now :P


I would appreciate if someone could help me with this.

Thank you.


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