Carrara just flash screen and close

Hi people, its a long time but a few months ago my Carrara just simple dont open anymore. I click in the icon and a screen flashes and close. Using win 10

Even after start a new fresh install for windows 10 I got the same problem, anyone with this thing?


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    do you have a graphics tablet connected to the PC by any chance?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Stezza said:

    do you have a graphics tablet connected to the PC by any chance?

    ...and if that's not the case, try this:

    • Empty any (all) plugins from the Extensions folder except for those shipped with the main install.

    If this works,

    • Add one plugin's files at a time

    eventually you'll find which plugin is causing the issues and figure it out from there.

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977

    GKDantas!!!  Carrara Leaf Man.  Oh how I would love to get all of them. Nice to see you here. Would you ever post them into Carrara Cafe?  I hope you sort your problem with Carrara soon!

    yes Silene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    could be a glitch with the prefs file.  got stuck that way once when  tried carrara in dual monitor mode.  

  • PGrePGre Posts: 95

    I had this problem with the HUION 610 Pro graphics tablet. Carrara won't run without the tablet driver running. I need to click the desktop icon (PenTabletDriver.exe) on the desktop after every system restart.

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