Couple Easy Beginner Questions
Having a great time learning Hexagon. Been going through tutorials. Two things I can't seem to find or skipped somewhere. I'm guessing they are easy questions. I'll describe the process, then the issue.
1. I make a sphere. I can select a face and loop and ring. I can select and edge and loop and ring. When I select a point I can neither loop nor ring. Is this normal or am I missing a setting?
2. Can't seem to get "lasso" to work right. No matter which one I click, it just does the "drag select" option, leaving the areas within the lassoed area unselected. This doesn't seem right when i look through the tutorials but seem to be missing what I've done wrong.
These issues happen on new projects, old, all projects. Help?
Hello freedo,
1. It is normal, you have got the idea
2. Make sure the object is selected first, then select an option.. faces, edges or points, check lasso or rectangle, right click and drag, by pressing shift or control when the drag has been started you can add or subtract from the selection.
Have you got the manual Hexagon 2.1 manual
I may have time this weekend to do a quick video tutorial.
I will post it as soon as it is up.