Carrara challenge #59 ANNWFN - In honour of Chohole.

Carrara challenge #59 ANNWFN (Heaven).
Heaven, of course, can be anywhere you want it to be.
It doesn’t have to be religious or spiritual or, even, particulary Welsh.
It could be a hot bath.
It could be Michalengelo's metaphorical beauty of God's hand reaching out to Adam or Eve.
It could be those small sparkles scintillating across the water waves lapping at a pond's edge.
It could be a field of stars that dance into the distance till they vanish into the blue darkness of the night sky.
About Chohole
Pam, as you probably know, recently passed away.
Pam, a Welsh woman, once told me that she was two people.
She was Pam the ‘fanatical’ Bryce user. And Chohole the moderator.
Pam always had a soft spot for Carrara.
With her softly wielded shillelagh she kept the forum on the straight and narrow for many years – working hard behind the scenes.
She had a wry sense of humour and, as a moderator, used that to diffuse many a tight situation.
As well as organising the Bryce Challenges, she once told me she always wanted to have a challenge between the Bryce Community and The Carrara Community.
Maybe that will happen in the future.
Pam will be sorely missed.
Dates: WIP thread starts now. It will close CIRCA 12th September 2021.
Entry thread will open 16 August 2021.
You can enter up to 4 images per artist. The images should be new.
At least one WIP per entry is appreciated.
Carrara should be the main 3d engine, though you can use any of her render plugins to make your image.
Post work is acceptable.
Prizes to be announced.
Thank you as always for participating. The Carrara Challenges ( and the LilChallenges) are something that really does contribute to our sense of Community.
Terrain obj is a Bryce import
How to Render a 360 Landscape in Bryce and Insert in Carrara Scene Background
- Bryce has a 360 projection render option found along the left side triangle next to the render balls
- Carrara has a map slot in the scene background to insert a 360 image
And if You Want Your Bryce 360 render to be HDRI
start here
Bryce Terrain Objects and Materials to Carrara
Here is the late Cripeman explaining how to bring a Bryce terrain and maps to Carrara.
Heavenly Blossoms
wow Diomede - that's a veritable Alexandrian library of golden tomes.
Thanks so much for that - looking forward to firing up Bryce and fitting it into my workflow.
Bunyip02, thanks so much for being right on the ball and with a beautiful render to boot!
I have mine thinking cap on....
Thanks !!!
Amazing clouds! Any clues on the method! . .?
Skies of iRadiance - Sunny Sky HDRIs for Iray -
Thanks !
Heavenly Shuttle
Heavenly Smile
WIP Carrara
Raw render, Bryce HDRI used
Final Portrait
Great oil painting effect!!
Here's a quick start from me have to cook dinner !! before I get in trouble!
It's an Orrery kitbashed from various objects and had a go at the lofting tool in the modelling room
Coblynau are mythical gnome-like creatures that are said to haunt the mines and quarries of Wales.
Like the Knockers of Cornish folklore they often help miners to the richest veins of ore or other treasures by their peculiar knocking sound. They are said to be often friendly and helpful.
The word Coblynauor Bwca in Cymraeg, (Hob Goblin in English) Goblyn is German, but due to the Welsh language and History not being used in south Wales, because of the Welsh not! is related to the English word Goblin and may derive from a Germanic source akin to the German Kobold, via the French Gobelin.
modelled a shillelagh, bucket and the gnome and the rock wall. Used Carrara hair for the gnomes beard.
I would like to ditto this verbatim!
Wow, Wow, Wow, and Wow!!!
Bunyip, HeadWax, mschack and Stezza... these are some really cool pieces! Very very nice!
Thinking - Remembering
Chohole has been my forum pal for a long time. I had plenty of ups and downs in my years here, and she would always contact me in private and talk - often it was just that... talk. She truly was a great friend and I will always treasure the time I've spent on these forums with great admiration and respect for the people like Chohole who always came to this thing with a big heart and a love for art.
So in those same dream-like thoughts and memories of the past, and also how thinking her name reminds me always of Bryce, I cannot help also remembering how truly helpful and wonderful both David Brinnen and Horo have been to me and anyone else who might have the slightest interest in knowing even the tiniest little bit of information about Bryce.
So much so, that I am truly embarrassed that I haven't truly given it a go yet. Wonderful and powerful art creation software that I own license to and, where is it sitting? In my Product Library vault. Sad.
There are way too many names to count here who have helped me to grow a bigger and better understanding of art, using the internet, brownie recipes, composition, filmmaking, learning to get along with others... just being a big family that has been riding this wave forever, or even those just joining and asking questions anew... everything in between... this family of forum is such a great thing and it brings my high honor to be here with you all - and I want to say that to you all now, and you can tell your families yourselves.
I appreciate you all and Love sharing thoughts with you!
Okay, now back to trying to figure out how to plan a nice render for this thing - along with some fun WIP, of course!
Intriguing desk for a young lad !!! Looking good !
Splendid, looking forward to how this one goes !!!
Awesome !!!
Thanks !!!
Hope you get the time to join in the fun !
Thanks Bunyip and Dart! These are nice renders coming out so far, nice work Bunyip, Stezza and Headwax!
Here's my working on screenshot.
I did the dress from scratch, and i use a surface replicator for the grass.
It will have a lot of flowers, some flying petals and maybe some picnic stuff. Still need to find a good texture for the dress and work on shaders.
I'm still not sure about the background, :P
Dress looks really good!
That's Fantastic, Namtar3d! I hope you don't mind my showing it.
Just in case Santa Claus reads the Carrara forum:
I've been Really Good, and want Octane for Carrara for Christmas! ;)
WIP update, a little GMIC contrast. painted the boat by hand in Carrara, thought it turned out ok...
I just read Diomedes post concerning too much detail, and I think my image might be a good example of basically obscurring things and letting the viewer fill in the details themselves. There are only four trees and a few bunches of weeds but your brain will fill in the rest. Nothing gives away the game quicker than ultra clear detail, which if you think about it we rarely ever see in real life.
Plus I'm lazy so this works well for me haha...