A question of spec...

Simple ISH question. What would be the best spec machine for Iray rendering and dforce at under $2000 

Dont need super fast rendering but definitely need Dforce at a good speed. So Presumably an Nvidia graphics card, and whatever is required to achieve reasonable performance within the price range. So I need to know about the memory etc and anything else that may guide me on selecting a machine that might fir the bill...

Many thanks in advance...


  • JVRendererJVRenderer Posts: 661
    edited August 2021

    If you're in the US, $2000 is a healthy budget for Iray/dForce machine.  It all depends on if you're going to build it yourself or have a builder do it for you.

    for DIY

    1. GPU: I would start with the GPU, a RTX 3060 is a good choice MSRP is $330. but current market price is $800 avg. Then you build around the GPU

    2. PSU:  and decent 80 Gold 850W PSU is around $150

    3. CPU: Intel Core i7 10th Gen : $350, you can get Rizen (3700x)

    4. Motherbaod : around $200 - Asus, Gigabyte -

    5: System memory : at least 32Gb : DDR4 = $100 2 X16 get 2 16Gb sticks, so you can leave 2 open slot for future upgrades

    6. system drive M.2 1 tb , around $120 (Samsung or WD black)

    7. a good case/chassis with good air flow :(with intake fans and filter and exhaust fans) $100

    8. a CPU cooler: most recent CPUs run a bit hot so I recommend a liquid cooler (Corsair Hydro Series or similar) :$120

    Those are the basics ($1840)

    Ofcourse, you could do some bargain hunting for those items. IOW, it is very posiible to get a decent IRAY PC for about $2000

    I don't know how much you builder will charge for building one, but I think $200 is the going rate here.

    Post edited by JVRenderer on
  • JVRendererJVRenderer Posts: 661

    I have to add this note:

    I just remember a few time when I set up a large scene in DS and when my usage of VRAM exceeded 10 Gb, I noticed my system ram usage was at around 40 Gb.

    Hence I would advise to increase your built from 32 Gb to 64 Gb

  • Consider buying your base computer off Ebay. Something like an older HP Z440 or a Lenovo Thinkstation 3xx or some other ex-lease single seat workstation. Anything with 2 PCIe 3.0 16x slots and a beefy PSU (650W or more) will do just fine.

    Then stick the money you save for not buying new base hardware into a second GPU. The single most important determinant of your machine's 'speed' for rendering/dForce/Iray - basically everything 3D - is your GPU. Adding a second GPU effectively doubles your 3D compute power in one go.

    Just my thrifty $0.02.

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