Clothing for men? Are you crazy!!! commercial



  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited January 2015

    Ha that's cool. There is a body suit that goes under it, but this is the project without textures.
    You had me at, "This is the helmet to it.". ;-)
    -- Walt Sterdan
    Post edited by wsterdan on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited January 2015

    A better texture sample on the knits.

    -- Walt Sterdan

    1500 x 1125 - 137K
    Post edited by wsterdan on
  • TerryDTerryD Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    Well my own personal preferences are for a military/scifi vibe - something like worn in Farscape or Chris Redfield in Resident Evil or even some of the Stargate stuff. Armour's useful but it seldom looks realistic enough, usually too fantasy for me. I'm more likely to buy if it has flexible use so I can assemble an outfit from parts or use different material zones. I think Valiant for M4 was great for that (and Courageous for V4). Or like the superdress and leggings for G2F. If there were more products like that for both male and female I'd have less money! I imagine producing more flexible outfit sets is a lot of work though, I mean even more than to produce a regular outfit, a PA would have to be pretty darn sure to get payback after putting that much effort in?

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited December 1969

    This is the helmet to it.
    Absolutely fantastic new set, thanks guys! Snapped up the bundle without looking twice.
    The dress/undress morphs on the gloves and boots are especially brilliant.
    I have to say that working together really kicks your product up a few notches (which I didn't think was possible).
    Again, thanks, and well-done!
    -- Walt Sterdan
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