Can't Save V4 as a Character Preset???
I have been working with DAZ for about a year now, mostly with Genesis.
I acquired Victoria 4 recently and... OK this sounds so basic but why can't I save V4 as a Character preset? I receive this message (and I know that V4 is selected) "You must select a TriAx Weight Mapped figure in the scene to save a Character Preset."
I was hoping that there was a one-button option to save and load a character's materials and shape, like Genesis.
You would export your character as a CR2 (File->export) rather than a character preset, this will save your character with the morph and selected skin texture. It will not save the materials in a DAZ native format though, you would save a material preset to keep those settings.
The error message tells you why, V4 is not a TriAx Weight Mapped figure. To save a character preset for older figures you need to go to File/Save As/Deprecate/Character Preset.
V4 uses a technology older than Genesis, she's not a weightmapped figure. So .duf character presets won't work.
You can either save shaping and material presets separately or use the older version of the character preset (it will be saved as .dsa, not .duf), which you'll find in Save As > Deprecated
When you use this method will need to load a V4 into the scene first then apply the character preset. It may not work if you you're using a custom morph however.
Ah, thank you! It worked.
I made a new folder in My Library - Presets - Characters - called V4 then saved each of my V4 characters into it with Save As - Scene Subset. Load your V4 character into an empty scene and add any morphs, then save.
If all else fails go to Edit Figure and I think that its the under rigging option that you can convert V4 to triax weighting. I do it all the time.
First, why are you necromancing a 5 year old thread? Second, bad advice as the conversion makes lousy weightmaps.