How to import 3d OBJs with textures applied
Posts: 42
Hi everyone,
Scrathing my head at this. Sometimes when improting OBJS exported from Blender, the model appears with the textures already attached while other times its just a grey model with no textures at all.
The thing is I'm doing absolutely nothing different. All the textures are in the same place, the OBJS are exported the same way from the same program and then imported into Daz with the same setttings but sometimes they have textures and other times they don't.
Can someone please clarify how to just make it always attach the textures as it could save lots of time?
Thanks in advance
If you copy the OBJ and the textures into the same folder and edit the MTL file (remove the paths to textures, leave only the filenames), that is the way I have gotten DS to import OBJ's with textures applied.Read my next post for accurate info
Ok, back home and able to check.
The files (OBJ+Textures) in my case are located in "F:\Temp\Niva\", and inside the MTL file there is a line under each surface that points to the relevant texturefile and it reads for example "map_Kd F:\Temp\Niva\", I prosume the "map_Kd" specifies the line as holding the path and name of the textures.
Originally the textures were in a subfolder and somehow DS didn't find them.
Also if you downloaded the file from where-ever, the path doesn't match the location where you placed it, so you have to edit the path anyways.
This can vary a lot based on the the UV mapping used in Blender or other software. There are basic UV's and procedural UV's in blender. If it's a basic UV that will export the textures, procedural won't as it's based on a algorythmic shading. You can still export the procedural's a pain in the ass and time consuming but can be done, but is a seperate process not included with normal export.
Also keep in mind, even with general OBJ export it will usually only include your color (diffuse) map, there maybe all kinds of other maps you are losing when you bring the OBj into Daz, such as bump, normal, roughness, metallic, etc. You should check to see if the original model has these as well and reapply them to the imported Daz Obj's surface shader.
Some procedural shaders don't need the model to be UV mapped. I believe if a material/surface name has spaces in it, i.e. "dat shiny bit", it needs to be in quotes like I typed it.