V4 -> G8F Shape Product?
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in The Commons
Hi all,
Does anyone know if there's a character converter that takes a V4 character character head shape and transfers it directly to G8F? I have other converter products that can take V4 to an intermediary character like G2F or G3F then from the intermediary to G8F but it seems to lose accuracy to the original V4 once it gets to G8F. SO I am wondering if there's something out there in the product universe that goes from V4 -> G8F without the intermediate character step...
... the answer is no
Perhaps Zevo or Riversoft will make a product like that once DS5 comes out, which might disable GenX.
Thanks for the reply, but I hope GenX doesn't get disabled because that is the main way I transfer my shape morphs...
Just to clarify, disabling GenX wouldn't be a conscious decision, but rather a byproduct of updating DS to a newer QT version.
DS5 will not overwrite DS4. So you can presumably still use GenX with DS4, then use the resulting morph files with DS5.
I have Victoria 4 head and body morph created for G2F by GenX2. I don't remember the origine of Victoria 4 shape, but seeing the Icon in the shape I suspect that I created these morphs using Victoria 4 original cr2 in GenX2. I have the Aiko 3 for genesis shape converted to G3F shape using DS4 tools, so I believe that Victoria 4 morphs can be converted easily to G3F or G8F by DS4 raw tools or PA products.
There are two posble ways for morphs. I don’t have the money to test how this works, but logic says these should works:
Aproach 1: GenX2.
Aproach 2: RSSY products.
In the case of skins, there are two approachs too:
Monika did a G8F version on RH.
Has anyone tried DarkHound's "Legacy to Gen3 Morph Converter"? It converts a V4 character directly to a G3 character. I just bought it from DarkHound via his DA store, but it will be a few weeks before I have a chance to try it. He also sells a G3 to G8 converter. When I do get to test it, I will report back.
Thanks to everyone for the useful information in this thread. I am very interested in converting some old custom V4/A4 characters to G8.
Yep! I have DH's converter and use it to convert V4-G3F
It works fine to get to transfer to G3F but I was hoping for a straight V4-> G8F solution but sounds like there isn't one. I have tools that someone previously posted earlier that i already do for my current conversion but was hoping for a more direct route. Looks like I'll keep chipping away away with my current tools until a more direct conversion gets made.
I bought DarkHound's "Legacy to Gen3 Morph Converter" like you...but I could sure use a tutorial or PDF, if that exists...I can't find one in the downloaded files...Anybody know if there's a tutorial somewhere?
All I know of is the basic instructions on the Deviantart page for the product. Still have not had time to try it.
any success, anyone? bueller?
@RiversoftArt #RiversoftArt has an awesome g3 to g8 converter - takes a loong time, but thhe characters are spot-on;
though, i'm still hunting for them in the Content Library - but I can catch them in my out-of-daz3d library.
Dear @RiversofArt, please create a product like this to convert either straight to genesis 8 or at least to genesis 3 -
I like the way your product works; as i do have v3digities iray converter suite - which only converts (sort of) to genesis.
that'll mean i need to convert them, to g2, then g3, then use your product. Okay, keep me posted AND DEAR @DAZ3D,
please consider using that internal messages/notices , #ThankYouVeryMucho
I tried a year or so back and was not satisfied with the results. Sickleyield recommends I try again too.
@RiverSoftArt - I'd listen to her.
that would be wonderful.
i can only work up the moxie to attempt the GenX conversion method once every couple of years...
by which time i've always forgotten how i managed to get the process to work the last time.
Ditto LOL
Ok, I hear you all I will revisit though with G9 I have a LOT on my plate right now so I don't know when.