Difficulty posing With RiverSoft's Look At Me II

Hi all. I'm having difficulty with RiverSoftArt's "Look at Me II" when trying to use any of the scripts other than "Look at the Camera." When selecting an item a figure and then the item to be looked at I get a prompt to do the same although the manual says the figure will look at the last node selected. When using "Look at Each Other" I get a prompt to select only two figures. There must be secret key selection sequencx I'm missing in rthe selction process. Anyone using this have the proper sequence? Thanks in advance!
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
It's very simple. For instance, when you want a character to look at an item, first select character node or sub-node then select an item node, click Look at That, a dialogue will pops up for you to setup the parameters, then preview / accept.
For Look at Each Other, select character A and B, click Look at Each Other, then the same process to set up parameters and accept.
Hi. I/m a big fan of RiverSoft's plugins and tools but am having difficulty with Look At Me II. The asset works perfectly when using the Look At Camera feature but I cannot load the interface script when trying to use Look At That and Look at Each Other. With the Former I select a figure and then the object to be looked at and get a prompt to do the same. With Look At Each otrher I select one figure and then the other and get a prompt to select only two figures. There must be a sequence I'm missing or i am not selecting the figures/items correctly in Scene. Anybody have an answer or a key clicking sequence? Thanks in advance!
Select Figure (A) then Control Click on Figure (B) so that both figures are selected, The same when you want to the character to look at something IE. Select the Character then Control Click on the object you want the character to look at so both the character & object are selected.
Thanks will do...
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