Thick fabric?

I've been playing with D-form to change clothing and to drape sheets over shapes. I will get to creating my own clothing from scratch at some point, but I need to learn to walk before I run.

Clothing always seems paper-thin to me. If I want to createa a sweater or a space suit, the clothing needs to be noticably thick.

D-forming a plane can create a sheet or a silk scarf, both of which conform nicely to shapes. 

I tried  Y-scaling up a plane- no dice. It is two dimensional.

I tried starting with a cube, Y-scaling it down to .5cm think, and d-forming that. The results, after an hour of processing, looked like H R Giger tried to draw a hedgehog. Not what I was seeking.

So, how can one make clothing thick, using only DazD?


Thank you.



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