Weight Map Brush Disappears.

Anyone else having problems with the weight map brush suddenly disappearing in 4.7 and the only way to get it back is to make a new scene?
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Anyone else having problems with the weight map brush suddenly disappearing in 4.7 and the only way to get it back is to make a new scene?
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Yes I'm finding with some clothes one minute it's there the next it's gone. I have to reboot DS to get the weight brush back, glad it's not just me !
Yeah. Sometimes I have to reboot too. Usually I can take care of it with closing the scene and reloading what I was working on but sometimes it takes a full reboot.
I also notice that the weightmap brush no longer changes colour when you hold down the CTRL or ALT keys. I think it used to turn green on CTRL and red on ALT.
This was reported a while back. Support just told me that the weight mapping brush can be a bit "fiddly" ..... that's it.
try selecting Gene/G2 and then back to your clothes, worked for the same bug in 4.6, might work in 4.7
Weight map symmetry does work either.
I paint the weight map for the left leg. Then right click Weight Editing > Weight Map Symmetry > Selected Bone - X Axis - Left to right but it's not editing the right leg's weight map.
For that to work correctly, for now, you have to go into the Geometry area and select those areas first, then go back to the weight mapping area and go from Left to Right to get the symmetry to work right, esp if your doing the transfer or mirror thing.... As support said... FIDGETY! lol
Well that's frustratingly and needlessly annoying.
Yea, hoping in DS 5 they rework some of the tools, esp the weight mapping tool to be more user friendly. I really really want some push, pull and smoothing brushes too for DS. That's one thing that Poser has that DS doesn't and it would make things so so nice for not only content creation but for creating little fixes for clothing that's not behaving as expected.
Yeah, bridging to Hex or z-brush works for that, but would be really nice to have it built in.
The weight mapping seems to be totally pooched.
Select geometry and fill with 0% and it still leaves values. How the hell can they screw up with something like that. It's just changing the weight value of the vertexes. If fill = 0 then value = 0.
Erase brush always leaves behind residual weights too. Weight map symmetry doesn't work the way it should either. This is a mess and there's no reason why it should be. If the mesh is symmetrical it's just a matter of applying value A for vertex X to vertex -X. This shouldn't be rocket science.
I'm working on a figure and it's turning into a real mess because there are some points where I cannot zero the weight values so when I move the hand the whole arm turns into a wiggly noodle. Filling that geometry with 0 doesn't fix it. The erase brush ignores it. This is horribly shoddy and it shouldn't be. It's just plugging values into a matrix.
Have you reported these issues, with steps to reproduce? The tools are probably not used by a large proportion of users so it's even more important than usual that those encountering problems report them.
I've found sometime you have to select the geometry, hit smooth a couple of times and then fill with zero and it will work. If you just fill with zero is doesn't seem to do much.
Not yet but I'll do so.
There we go, bug report submitted.
YAY. I've been restarting DS when it happened all this time! Thanks Fisty!
Unfortunately the above described problem still seems to exist in Public build.
I have rigged my own human figure and afterwards extensively used the weight paint function.
The weight paint brush every how an than disapears. None of the above mentioned tricks work for me.
I save the figure, reload the figure and start continue weight painting ... untill the brush disapears again.
Seem that always happens when I pause the painting to adjust the bending, twist or side/side angles.
It doesn't happen very often... seldomly 2 or three times a day sometime it dont occour for two or three days.
If somebody has a hint what I can do to reactivate the brush, I would be great about a suggestion.
I would also like to mention that the wight painting tool works great! - besides this littele issue.
And, oh yes :-) there could be more documentation :-)
It's a bug that exists since 12 years. Reported, and reported and reported. Still there. From what I could figure out, at least for me it happens if I get too close to the geometry and in that situation, it seems like the near clip plane goes berserk and the brush don't know anymore where to paint.
What works best for me to bring it back is to delete the node and then undo to bring it back.
- Greg
Weight painting on complex standalone figure in DS is cumbersome... there's been less improvement for node weight brush tool in the past years. Instead, a good practice is to rig the standalone figure + weight paint in Blender, then send back to DS for creating the product ~~
What format are you using, just out of curiosity? I've always gotten terrible results trying to export any kind of bone rig from Blender to DS but I'd sure love to given how much easier it is to generate a skeleton in Blender.
Standard FBX format... but I most of the time used Diffeomorphic (DS to Blender) and Better FBX Importer & Exporter (Blender > DS). Then transferred and/or copy/paste the painted weight from FBX to the figure in DS. Now there's a new add-on in blender market, Blender to Daz Studio ( with FBX format as well), which make things even more easier and accurate. Pls search it in Blender marketplace...
https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/718196/converting-other-file-formats-to-work-in-daz-studio#latest (mods deleted the link I posted, haha ~~)
It's a bummer this is still an ongoing bug after so long. It makes weight mapping in Daz Studio extremely frustrating.