Difficulty with V4 Creature Creator

I hope this is the right forum. Is anyone familiar with V4 Creature Creator? This is not a complaint against DAZ or anything, I just have trouble with the morph package for some reason. I used the DAZ installer, I inject the morphs from the power loader in My DAZ 3D library in Poser 9. I get all the odd faces, but no body morphs, and no hand morphs. Also, in faces with big eyes, the eyes don't get big. They stay regular size, which isn't good.
I will see a dial that says "3 fingers" or "emaciated" morph, I will move it to 1 and nothing happens.
The add-ons (horns and strange legs) work fine.
That's the big problem. Also are there supposed to be any color Mat files for creatures? The "previews" show bodies that are purple, red, or green.
Do I need to buy something else for that?
I have V4 Creature Creator Morphs and Add-Ons.
This has been driving me nuts since I bought the items last summer, and I have gotten nowhere.
Make sure you have only one ":Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ:Victoria 4" in your Runtimes listed in Poser.
Textures aren't included -- I believe the promos use the ones from http://www.daz3d.com/creature-maps with different diffuse colors.
I went through and got rid of any extra V4 folders that didn't belong.
There is still a Victoria 4.1 and 4.2 where they reside in my old imported Poser 6 runtime.
I assume you mean the problem was with the folders rather than the figures themselves.
The Morphs are in
C:Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Pose/Daz’s Victoria 4.
I’m not sure they ever installed properly. They are tricky.
I’ve never had this problem before with other characters and morphs.
I’ve considered uninstalling and re-installing from DAZ Install Manager, but I don’t know if I can do that.
Still no luck.
Looks like I also need the mat files in Creature Maps if I want colors, so it’s on my wish list.
Once you've made sure that there is only one Runtime with a "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ:Victoria 4" folder, double-click on "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ:DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat" -- a black window will open, run through the morphs, and close. If you used Powerloader in DAZ Studio to inject the morphs, run it again in DAZ Studio, or else inject the morphs in Poser from the "DAZ' Victoria 4:Morph Injections" folder.
I’m getting close.
Program files (x86)/Smith Micro/Poser 9/Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ
There is another !DAZ folder
There’s a Victoria 4 folder inside. There’s another one outside, next to the DzCreateExpFiles and some other things.
Which one is right?
The outside folder is dated 6/27/14 and the one inside the !DAZ folder is 6/5/14.
I'm thinking the more recent one could be disposable.
Both folders have identical names of body parts- "abdomen, body, body morphs, etc."
Might be the problem.
You shouldn't have the !DAZ folder inside another !DAZ folder, but the bigger problem is that having them under Program Files in Windows 7/8/Vista will cause problems, because Windows protects those folders.
True, but no one had told me that when I bought Poser 9 in 2012. My new computer had Windows 7, totally unfamiliar.
Guess what? Success! That DZCreate files batch file for V4 did the trick after I got rid of those stupid extra folders like you said!
I had to track it down in Poser 6, which is in “Users” but had to copy the file to Poser 9 and run it there.
I actually have "Creature Creator" dials for hands and bodies under Morphs!
Also the enlarged eyes are working for the odd faces.
I thought it was never going to work since last June.
Thank you so much!
I’d better go get those body maps and mat files now! Fun!
Enjoying it immensely.
Most embarrassing of all, parts of Creature Creator only work on a vanilla V4, starting from scratch, that has never been morphed. Then it works dandy. It was so obvious I didn’t think of it.
I almost never start with a basic V4 with no morphs.
Thanks for creating this thread. I've been having the same problem with Creature and Hiro morphs for M4, but now working fine!