One click 2022 error whenever I try to transfer to a Genesis figure

I get the error "I'm headed exception has occurred in your application if you click continue the application will ignore the error and attempt to continue if you click with that place you will close immediately" and then it says "could not find a part of the path c / users / public / documents / my daz3D library / runtime / face shop / smooth model textures / G8M bace face map blah blah blah
I don't have anything for Daz3d in the user/ public folder, what do I really need to do here
The developer emailed me a few days ago however when i reply back i get a "delivery incomplete" error. can this person email be back at either or
Have the same problem, would like to know the solution. I have updated from HeadShop 13 to Headshop Oneclick2022
Edited to use store link rather than Product Library
Yes when he emails you, if you hit "reply" to reply, it will bounce back because it is not set up correctly at his end and yes he knows about this {because I tend to mention such matters ;-) }
To reply back, start a new email making sure the "to" is the same email address that he mailed from in this first place.
@ 5200north you may want to edit your email addresses or you are very likely to get tons of spam emails. If you can "read it" - so can the web-crawlers which collect email addresses, thousands if not more per minute.
Looks like it would be the same as for HS14 in which case the D/S temp folder "must be" the default location {see image}, in the main content folder where D/S is calling for textures, etc., one must have the expected textures for the concerned figures as they will be used by the plugin to make its new textures. It's new textures would be placed in that Public Documents folder its supposed to be making. Some made their own folder there and then the program works.
Location is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\FaceShop\fs\SmoothedModelTextures
Thanks Catherine3678ab.
For me, creating the folder was the solution. (Temp folder was on default).
Just create folder mkdir "C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\FaceShop\fs\SmoothedModelTextures".
This folder is localizied by windows, but this is just display within the explorer.
i have no clue on whats happening here at all. ann i could find it that the directory names arent the same.
for headshop 14
Make the folder(s) as I said in my previous post.
So I was finally able to figure out fixing the UI of the program, but I didn't get much further than that. Once I loaded the photo the error "Daz Model Not Found" pops up. Again not sure what this means as I started with a Gen 8 Female in my workspace before starting Oneclick 2022. I click okay. Then I click apply and the "Unhandled Exception" pops up that other people are getting. Only my says "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: fileName". No idea what this means. I also tried adding the textures folder as mentioned above but still got the same error message.
I clicked continue to see what would happen. It goes to the next screen where I get another error message "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: image" and there is a red X where the image I uploaded should be.
I also wish there were instructions more specific for Oneclick as opposed to just Headshop 14. Some of the instructions for install are not exactly the same for Oneclick. For example I did not have a "morpher" folder in my zip file. Also when I start up the program the settings in the dialog box are not the same. Attached is an image of this dialog box. There is no explaination if I should or can change the morph/texture name and should/can I change the percent morph value from the default 70%.
I think I need assistance from the creators of this product, it seems to be very buggy.
1. Could try manually downloading the zip(s) and checking them to see if there is a morpher folder because I suspect there should be.
2. If you have purchased less than 30 days then you can ask for a refund.
3. Sending you a PM with the creator's email ;-)
We had a skype call with joneienleah (Oslo) and resolved issue. The problem was identified exactly as no installed C://User/Public/Public Documents/My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\FaceShop\fs\SmoothedModel\Textures folder. After we created the folder, program worked fine.
As for the "moprher" folder, this folder supports "LoveChild", which is not included in OneClick, only in HeadShop 13, 14.
Thought posts were vanishing, reappearing, but no ... mention was made in two threads lol ... okay so I put a link to your response info_b3470fa520 over in the other thread as well. Glad it was easily resolved.
And good to know, no morpher folder for OneClick. 'k
Hi. Just to give an update, I did have a Skype call with Abalone and we got Headshop Oneclick 2022 working. I have been trying it out for several days now but I am not really satisfied with the results of the head morphs. It doesn't seem to be really capturing the unique shapes from the photos of people, like jaw, nose, lips, etc. The face shape is very generic which was disapointing because I was really counting on Headshop's ability to work with difficult photos like tilted head or open smile. The textures don't turn out well either, particularlly with darker skintones. Which I figured I could always use other textures or do a lot of editing in photoshop. But with the actual head shape coming out generic, I get much better results with Facegen and Facetransfer in that department. Gives me something really unique and good to start with and then I can edit further with my morphs I have in Daz library. Facegen actually has turned out to be the best product in terms of textures and head shape so I'll be sticking with that.
The program also quickly gives erros after making just one morph, on the next one it says it has run out of memory, even after restarting Daz. This program just doesn't work as smoothly as my other plugins.
I am attaching examples of the result from the same photo from each Oneclick and Facegen, plus the orginal photo. The one from Facegen used textures straight from the program, no photoshopping. I did switch out the eye texture for one from my library (I always do this no matter the plugin) and I increased some bump maps, thats it. For the one from Oneclick this is rendered straight out of the box, no changes to textures except using eyes from my library, no adjustments of the morphs except the creases and lines I added within Oneclick with autosculpt.
As for Oneclick 2022 unfortunately I will be asking Daz for a refund. The resulting morphs and textures just wasn't worth the price when I can get much better results with other plugins. I appreciate the help from Abalone but I need a better working product.
Thank you for the update.
Glad you got it working and at least had a chance to see how it would work for you. And yes, that's the beauty of shopping at Daz3D, if it doesn't work out within 30 days of purchase, we can delete the product from our computers and ask for a refund. I tend to ask for refunds in the form of store credits - tends to be faster and easier to do and we all know we'll spend it!
For "starting" textures I've found Face Transfer to be my favourite of the Face morphing plugins. I'll use an image editor to frame and/or edit the photo [make it straight etc] and then click and poof, one face texture!
Joneinen, thanks for the comments and the comparison artwork. I tried the image myself (see below).
In general, texture maps seem to work the same, maybe FaceGen somewhat better with frontal images.
The main difference in HeadShop's favor is twofold:
1. Open smile (which this image does not have)
2. Face Topo (which the image has)
We also tried to run some comparisons, you can see more in this video: