Animation and video frames and the... "deeper" web (or deeper Search)

I'm fascinated by GIF animation because (A) although there are a zillion programs out there to make flip books and shorts, it's the easiest method for me right-now-this-minute, especially for simple stuff like the graphics for two-frame rollovers and (B) you can write a watermark-like comment into the file.

We know that Google's A.I. and similar systems can analyze and compare and sort various images, but does it, or can it go "deeper" into a second or third frame say. Going a bit further, doe anyone know if, say, there is a book cover or poster or billboard in a video clip, can that information be accessed in Google Images or anytime soon?

Just wondering.

P.S. I have a bit of a visual impairment and my best friend is blind so right off the bat I like to be sensitive to all users, eg. not just those who have full vision. But two-frame GIF's and transparent GIF's and layered HTML is such a draw, heh.

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