On Mac, DAZ Central Crashing, is the old DIM still available?

Hey Guys,
Did all the updates to DAZ Studio and DAZ Central, after finally installing Big Sur on my iMac Pro.
Studio seems to be working without any issues. DAZ Central, crashing everytime I try to use it. It starts up fine and looks normal. As soon as I click on anything, it locks up requiring me to do a 'Force Quit' on the app. I tried letting it run it's course last night when it locked up, and it eventually crashed on it's own.
Any suggestions?
If there isn't a solution, can I go back to the old DIM app? Is it even still avaialble?
- Sol
I only use DIM. It is still available.
Yes, DIM is still available: https://www.daz3d.com/install-manager-info
There is also a link at the foot of every product Library page in your account that is for a DIM-installed item.
Thanks for the link.
Thanks, Richard.
Any thoughts on what's up with DAZ Central?
Which version of MacOS are you on?
Latest Big Sur.
Several people have reported issues with Central under Big Sur, but Install Manager is OK.
So yeah, re-installed DIM last night. Put it on auto-pilot and left it go. It downloaded everything with no problems at all (many, many hundreds of items).
I had been using DAZ Central for the last year and have really liked it. It downloaded and installed as advertised, and has really worked great for me. And I love the DAZ Central interface, as it actually shows you a thumbnail of all of your Products, Actors, Lighting Scenes, etc. Really helps when looking through hundreds of items for just the right solution for an idea. Hope they get it worked out.
Install manager will show thumbnails, but they are not downloaded by default. Select all, or a range of items, right-click and use the All Missing In Selected option for downloading thumbnails. Just be aware that since the store update last year a lot of thumbnails have been sent out oversized.
Hey Richard,
Are you saying that this will allow the thumbnail to actually be seen within DIM? That is my favorite feature of DC. To be able to see an actual image of what the product is, right there within DIM, as you're looking through the long list of Titles.
Or, are you talking about seeing them just within Studio, in the Content & Smart Library sections?
I tried your suggestion, it looks like it's downloading additional data, but no Thumbs actually populate. DIM looks the same. What did I miss? :-)
They show in the tool tip when you hover the mouse over the item's entry in DIM.
When I hover, I only see the metadata for the item, in a gray box. No thumb is included.
And you had downloaded the thumbnails for those items? Try clicking the check box at top-left, to select everything, then right-click on any one and from the download thumbnails sub menu (sorry, don't have DIM open to check the exact name) the Download all missing in selected option.
Yes, did all that. Twice, just to be sure. :-)
Like I said, I could see it go through the download process, progress bar and all. Same result.
Odd. As I said, the sizes have often been off sincenthe store update but I've had few, if any, outright failures. What folder are you using for the thumbnail directory (in Advanced Settings)?
In the Downloads tab/Thumbnail Archives: /Users/solsims/Daz 3D/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/Thumbnails
Nothing odd looking there, for a daz Central path. I assume it does contain the actual images since you say they do show in Daz Central?
Yes, can see the images in DAZ Central as well as Studio.
DAZ Central seems to be bahaiving better now that DIM is re-installed. And as mentioned, I used DIM to actually re-install my products.
DAZ Central now initially seems to load fine. But As I scroll down my Assets lists,and more and more stuff load, it eventually will freeze up and then fully crash. I can't get to the bottom of my products list. It's like it's having a hard time loading my complete catalog of products.
FYI, I'm on an iMac Pro with tons of RAM, so can't see it being a memory-usage issue. Unless there's a limit on the DAZ Central app Cache, or something like that.
Man, I have to finally admit, Daz Central is a complete waste of time. I have an M1 machine as well and it's crashing like crazy. Not only that but it actually makes you click on everything to install. There's no select all anywhere and I've looked. If anybody knows of one let me know. in the meantime I'm going back to using DIM
While I am sure that Daz is aware that some M1 users, at least, have had crashing issues it may be worth opening a ticket to add another bit of information.
However, you are right that for batch installing and other features Install Manager remains the better choice. Daz Central is designed to provide a simpler experience for new users, but that does come at the expense of fewer options for those who whish them - which is why both continue to be developed.
Note: I have noticed that sometimes DIM does not completely install all the needed files when doing a large batch install. The fix is to start DIM, go to the Installed tab and press the Uninstall button in the problem product. Pop over to the Ready to Install tab and install the product. It always seems to install correctly the second time.
Daz is working on and trying to identify the potential causes for the failures. Your tickets with exact details are very important to help figure out the cause.
It's Daz Central, no other thoughts required.
I am admittedly biased against it.