Leave my render settings alone!

Is there any way to stop a merged item from changing my render settings or ditching my cameras? It's really rude to include render settings or cameras with an item and I'm tired of suddenly finding they've caused my cameras to disappear and changed my render settings. I fortunately saved my render settings as a preset the last time it happened but I find I don't notice it's happened till a render is half an hour in and rendered a quarter of an inch. Bloody annoying!
Post edited by lorraineopua on
Many HD figures also change sliders without asking when they load, setting Resolution Level, SubDivision, and the Render SubD Level too high in the render settings. Thus causing "Error during rendering" crashes for many.
I have a light product that deletes all of your existing lights if you load any of the included lights. Which makes no damned sense if you're only loading one light. And I've run across other products that do unwanted things like that. It's very annoying to say the least.
Hold down cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) when you double-click the preset and, if it's a regular light preset, you should get an options dialogue that will allow you to specify how to handle existing lights in the scene. You can also set it to do the same with other lights presets if you hold down the shift key while double-clicking.
Create a default scene.
Save it.
Have Studio load it.
(I'd also write protect it, so it can't be saved over by accident.)
The write protection is a great idea, I never even thought of doing that!! Thanks!
Very good idea, thanks for the tip.
It's a shame thought that we have to rely on such methods...
it works to reload a scene each time with the settings I wanted and I'm thankful but even with this I've blown out a few scenes when merging new elements and they override the settings I had customized previously. Environments need to be able to save so I don't have to work backwards. either as a preset or save as a custom setting in the global preset dropdown.