330ml Brown Glass Bottle and Broken Bits

I was wanting to do a scene of a figure in a bottling plant, and needed some accessories. Turns out I couldn't find the shape of bottle I wanted as a freebie, so modelled my own after finding interface control drawings on the web for a range of sizes. The size I plumped for was the 330ml (same volume as a can of cola). These are often used for beer or similar <7.5% alcohol beverages. Because it was a bottling plant, and bottles break, I modelled one broken bottle. Thought other people may find them useful too.
Anyway, the bottle was modelled in SolidWorks, saved as STL, converted to OBJ with my own program, texture mapped without label (didn't need one for my purpose) in UVMapper using a capped cylinder map, and then turned into a prop in DS. The glass shader is based on the default green glass DS iRay shader supplied with DS. The colour is changed to an orangy brown, which looks about right.
There are one or two quirks. The bottles are totally invisible in Filament preview mode, and they are not easy to see in any other preview mode apart from iRay preview. You have been warned! It may be an idea to turn the transparency off prior to working them in the scene, up to you.
[Title edited to reflect extra bits]

Thank you :-)
I have realised that four more different bits of broken bottle can be obtained from the model I have with ease. Would they be of any use? The additional ones are:
Also different breaks are actually very easy to model with an extruded cut straight through. Let me know if any options would be useful.
Thank you.
Yes,I believe the various breaks would be nice to have so there would be less uniformity in the breaks should one need to have several of them in a scene.
Such as a pallet of empty bottles had fallen over whilst trying to move them and several hit the floor and broke.
OK, I'll see what I can do. Might be a day or two, will have to see how things go.
Right, just a few modelled.
Can't texture map or convert to DS until this evening. May be able to package them up within 24 hrs, who knows. I'll think about other break points too.
Thank you, looking very good.
Looking good yes.
OK, I have done a few broken bits - well, sixteen - and added green, brown and flint (clear) shaders. To get around the invisibility problem with moving the glass in non-iRay preview modes, I have added an opaque white shader that can be applied too.
Hope it will be useful.
ETA: Download file corrected to include Broken Bottle 10 data file which had been missed out.
Edited 13 Jan 2025: With Barbult's help, finally managed to fix the error with Bottle 10.
Oops, pressed the wrong 'Save comment' button.
Thank you :)
Thank you! Glass bottles are always useful, and the broken bottle fragments are a great addition to my collection of debris and trash!
Thank you! Great idea and product.
And the price is right...!
Wow! Thank you for these.
Thanks for these
Here is a picture using them
Thanks a lot for these fantastic props!
I just tried to use bottle 10 today and got a missing file error, even after installing the updated zip file. I see that the DUF file for bottle 10 references the wrong foler (Product). I was able to edit it to use the correct folder and it works fine now. Here is a comparison between the info in bottle 13 (which is correct) and bottle 10.
There is no rush. Only the one file is affected. Nobody else has noticed, or at least not commented. I have already fixed it for myself so it is not holding me up. Take your time. I'll attach my fixed file in case someone else wants it. You may find that I installed something incorrectly and no fix is needed. Thank you for the props. Your freebies are always appreciated.
The attached file goes in your library in \Props\ChestnutP\Interior. The file name is 330ml Broken Bottle 10.duf.
Updated the zip in my earlier post. Thanks for pointing the error out.Also corrected the Rendo files.
very useful prop, thank you!