Rigged fbx characters to daz for posing

I have some fbx characters I got that are rigged in blender. How can I import them and pose them in Daz? If it's difficult as heck I'll just import the Daz scene into blender and pose the characters there.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853

    "File > Import" dialog lets you import fbx files. However importing rigged figures in DS doesn't always work well, so exporting your scene to blender might be a better option.

  • Okay but then I'd have to export all the Daz characters to blender with the rigging intact. Is that possible? I know nada about rigging in any software and I rely heavily on blender format mocap for animation. Keep all that in mind.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,842
    Daz has an official figure exporter to Blender.
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