Is there any way to have tabs on side in undocked pane group?

I'm experimenting with moving pane groups to another monitor to enlarge the viewport, but after I undock the pane group, the tabs switch to running along the top. My docked pane groups all have tabs on the side. "Orient tabs along top" is unchecked and works for the docked pane groups.
Am I missing a setting, or is it just not possible? If I can't move the tabs to the side, moving these panes to the other monitor isn't going to be worthwhile.
This would be soemthing to submit as a feature request
Okay, thanks Richard.
I have an associated question to this which may be a bug in the latest version of Studio (I currently use
I have some of my most used tabs spun out to second monitor; Parameters, Shaping, Posing, Render Settings etc. These are in a single pane with the tabs running along the top. In previous versions of Daz I was able to reorder the tabs into a sensible work flow by dragging them between each other. However in the latest version this functionality seems to missing. The tabs are locked in place and there is no way to reorder them. Am I missing a setting somewhere that unlocks their position?
If you have docking/undocking locked (under Window/Workspace on the menu, or Ctrl-U is apparently the shortcut to toggle), it won't allow you to move tabs around. With that off, I'm able to reorder tabs in undocked pane groups in the latest version.
If that isn't it, I'm not sure but somebody else might have other ideas/settings that are relevant.
Thanks - that was the solution. It must now default to locking because I can't recall needing to uncheck that before.