I Zeroed Some Parameters in the Base Genesis 8 Model and Now My Saved Characters Look Different

Somewhere along the way I ended up installing a character the must have changed my Genesis 8 base character. I was also getting some duplicate parameter errors and was just trying to clean things up so I ended up using the "Zero Figure" option on my Genesis 8 base model in order to fix it.
Well, the error messages have been resolved, but now I realize somewhere along the way I must have installed something which changed the Gen 8 base character to produce a certain facial look (bigger eyes and head). Now that the Gen 8 model has been restored the faces (and a bit of the body as well) look different.
I'm trying to figure out how to return to the "incorrect" look with whatever the modifications that were made by an installed model, but I have no way of knowing what mesh/model/etc did it, and I've since wiped the error log so I can't even reference that. All I have are my saves which load the new look instead of the older look that I'm trying to get back to.
Attached is an example of what is going on. The face on the left is the technically incorrect modified face (that I'm trying to restore) and the one on the right is how the face looks now that I've zeroed out the Gen 8 base.
Could anyone offer a suggestion for how to get back to the style on the left?