Daz Studio: (MacOs) carpeta daz en "documentos"

Hola a todos tengo una consulta:
Hace poco me baje la aplicación y también me bajé algunos modelos gratuitos, hast aahora vamos bien pero tengo una duda, me creo uan carpeta de Daz dentro de la carpeta "documentos" y me gustaría mover esa carpeta (pesa mas de 5 GB) a un disco externo, esto se puede hacer? de que manera?
Muchas gracias
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Yes, move the folder and then in Daz Studio got to Edit>Preferences, the Content tab, and click Content Directory Manager. You can then highlight the folder and click the Edit button to tell Daz Studio where it is now. I assume this is for manually isntalled content, since Install Manager does not place files in the documents folder by default - if not you will also need to update Install Manager's settings by clicking the icon at top-right>Advanced Settings and in the Instalaltion tab adding the new location and setting it as the Prefered location. Do you still have the zips from your installation? If so select everything in the Installed tab, right-click>Reinstall using Current paths>Reinstall All Selected (I can't check thee xact wording just now, but that should let you find the right place)