Daz Central is _hella_ broken. Daz Install Manager works properly.
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Have been banging my head on this for weeks.
Issues with Daz Central:
- After a certain amount of time after startup, the UI/Application just HANGS. CPU ramps up. No network activity. Unresponsive. Have to kill.
- After attempting a download, will also hang.
- Can't reliably recognize that Daz Studio IS installed.
- Configuration for locations/paths is non-sensical.... and gets ignored or wiped every now and then....
- Does not start up the Postgresql database!! No option to start up from Daz Central.
Daz Install Manager:
- Simple and JUST WORKS.
- Does not hang.
- Setting/managing paths/destinations better... but still a MAJOR PITA if installing and using an external disk.
- There is an option to "restart" the CMS... but it doesn't do anything. No errors. No status updates. Nothing. WTH.
Things to fix/address:
- Either FIX the stability and performance issues on Daz Central or give it up and stop wasting time on it.
- ASK for installation parent folders at install time.... don't just install files all over the dang place.
- If the CMS/DB is down, actually offer help/instructions/commands/etc. to address the issue. NOWHERE do I see anything to re-init the database... point to the database, etc. Black Box Configurations = FAIL.
Theoritically if DIM works Central should to as it is just a simplified version of DIM with a noob friendly UI but as you and others have reported it doesn't. DAZ needs to get rid of Central and just put out instructions for using DIM.
There is already quite thorough instructions on how to use DIM.
As I said Central was meant to be noob friendly so any instructions also need to be noob friendly and the current ones are not.