Is there a limit to the number of items in a library directory? - Solved, no there isn't

I create custom categories for my content. I was trying to categorise the character Tasmin for G3F but I couldn't find her in the Characters directory. I checked Installed Files in DIM and then l used Windows file explorer to see if she was installed properly. Her icon is called VYK Tasmin so she is near the bottom of the list. I found that she was there, and there were also another 9 characters at the bottom of the directory that were not shown in the library tab in Daz Studio.
I suppose this does show that I buy far too much stuff here but if this is a limit and not just my setup going wrong I think the limit has been set too low. File explorer can show everything in the directory, and it has to show twice as much since it shows the .duf and the .png as seperate items. I've got 274 .duf files in this directory which is a lot. Not 274 characters, some characters have more than one variation with their own .duf file.
In the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats? I'm not aware that there is a limit - how many items are showing, and does it show a second page or equivalent?
Now I look at it closer. there is a thing at the top with the number 1 and arrows on each side. I never noticed this before. Clicking the right arrow gives me another page. And it does say 1-264 of 274. I suppose I should look at things more closely.
Thank you for pointing this out.