Dogwaffle / Howler Newsletter 98 - More Dibble Dabbles, tutorials [Commercial]

Hello again, here is another update from the "Dogwaffler of the Moment" newsletter. This is mostly meant for users of Howler 9.5, but some of the tutorials also work with earlier versions.
See more and learn more in recent online editions with HTML formatting, with images and links to related videos. Start here to see all past newsletters:
More Dibble Dabbling - learning how to.... with new tutorials!
Looking back at our YouTube channel, we produced quite a number of new videos and tutorials in recent weeks and days. In case you forgot, here's our YouTube channel:
Some older tutorials can also be found in staigerland - those date back to PD Pro 5 and before, and some tutorials in these are still very useful, so don't dismiss those if you're new to Dogwaffle.
Here is a brief summary and highlight of recent tutorials and videos:
This one is not new, technically, it was the last item shown in the prior newsletter.:
California dreaming - flying over a landscape of jpeg compressed pixels in a san diego sunset
Animation 101, part9 - working with Poser looping walk image sequences for animated brushes
Endless sweep
Animation 101, part10 - endless sweep, the failed tutorials
Skies for Game Content Creation - gradient skies
Skies - quick rendered, animated cloudy sky
Skies - abusing the 3D Designer to make clouds instead of mountains
Fancy1b - a cyclonic storm up there in the sky
Skies - stormy clouds, animated
Oh no!... but no worry, you can recover stored animations after a crash
The above mentioned tutorial is something we recommend that ou view in case you ever have experienced a crash during the use of Howler, and you had stored animations. If they were stored on disk, they can likely be recovered. Do this before launching Howler again.
Buttons with round corners, using alpha channel blur, adjust, grow and shadow drops
My name is Mush
This is a short animation made with a single static image, drawn by Michael McDonald. It was done with the Frame Painter, included with Howler. You can see the step by step technique in the following tutorial below.
the making of "My Name is Mush" - working with Frame Painter
Sunset Boulevard on planet Zo Phi
Coming Soon to an Intel processor near you : the next Howler update!
We're getting ready for a first update since v9.5. This may be just a zip archive with a few files to replace your existing installation, or it might be an update installer, we haven't decided yet. It will perhaps be another "doggiebag" type of update.
run baby run
It will have bug fixes and new features and improvements to existing features. Here are some:
Updated navigation...
Zooming with CTRL-Shift now zooms from the pointer instead of the center.
Optional scrollbars...
to make it easier to work with tablets that don't have the CTRL-Shift shortcut.
Improved benchmarking (The Poochmark, er whatever) ...
Useful for comparing different computers.
Computes typical image processing functions.
Now you can compare the speed of your other software with howling fast Dogwaffle. There's a reason why it's called Howler.
(Tentative) support for larger monitors...
Fewer stacked toolbars at the top.
Re-written rubber sheet filter...
and using the GPU
Lighting tool ...
now on the GPU
Motion blur ...
now on the GPU
Text tool ...
a bug has been fixed. It's better/easier to use now.
The max font size goes higher now, great for big posters. If it's still not big enough, remember that you can apply the text into a brush image. Then you can further upsample the custom brush to really super-size the text!
Still has a known glitch when applying text directly to alpha and you have a scaling (zoom) in effect at the moment. There are known easy workarounds, but if you must apply it to alpha directly, we recommend temporarily using unzoomed view, applying the text, and zooming back in (or out) to the desired area of interest, and fine-tune the position with Control-Left-drag (which is used to move the alpha channel, shifting it around with the mouse).
There may be more goodies. Stay tuned, and thanks for waffling and howling!