How to remove custom or unwanted morphs

I reada forum post on how to remove a custom morph or unwamted morph from Genesis 8 Female, but now after searching the forums I can not find the post again. Can someone direct me to it. Thank you.
Post edited by Digitalrdw on
You gotta find the morph files inside the data folder and nuke em.
That depends - if they were saved as morph assets (or came as instalalble content) then it is as RL_Media says, but if they are embedded in a scene file then you can right-click on the slider with the Parameters pane in Edit mode and delete them.
These were morphs created with RiverSoft Art's Character converter. The post I remember seeing showed the folder path to the morphs.
Check the documentation - I believe it uses the same Author name for all covnersion, I'm not sure about the product names.
/Data/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Author/Product/
will be the location for the files, whatever Author and product may be, and there will be a .dsf file for each morph (and possibly for hidden corrective morphs too).
If it loads with the figure then sometimes Ctrl + Shift + F (Restore Figure) works. At least until the next time the figure loads up from the library. You can also find the offending morph slider and set it to zero. Then, as RL_ said, you'd want to note the name of the rogue and then track it down - and nuke it by zipping it as a backup and then deleting it.