Character creation problem

I have been creating g8f-based female characters with some success, but there is one step in the process where I have had a continual problem.
One of the last steps in character creation is the saving of character assets. The full character is saved in the G8F/People/Vendor/character folder through the character preset while the head/body apply and remove are saved through shaping preset to the same folder. I won't go through both head and body since they're roughly done the same way, but when you save head apply you dial body to 0, head to 100%, select shaping preset, right-click on Genesis 8 female and unclick all. Drop down and select actor/head/people/real world and click on character head, then save. To do head remove, you dial head morph down to 0%, select shaping preset, right-click on Genesis 8 female and unclick all. You then drop down and select actor/head/people/real world and click on character head and save. For body apply/remove you follow the same steps except do actor/full body/people/real world and click on character full body.
These head and body apply/remove presets are not working with my character yet the full character and the material presets do work fine. Someone had suggested there might be a glitch with my software but I don't see how. I just installed Studio 4.15 Pro a week ago, and this character was just created.
Has anyone had a this kind of a problem or have any suggestions on how to correct it?
When you talk about creating character, how do you do the creating?
Are you talking about a character morph that you have made in Blender/ZBrush or are you creating the character by adjusting existing sliders?