Batch rendering random head shots?

I need to create a lot of random head shots, like passport photos, for a game. I have Shape Gen (incl plus) and SimTenero Randomizer 2. I could do the whole manual randomise and render but I am wondering if there is a way to automate batches so I could do say 50 with one particular hairstyle and colour and save out to a dile with a serial number, with out having to manualy hitting randomise and then render.
Scene setup is going to stay the same for every render, lighting, camera etc only thing that will shange is the face, head, neck and maybe shoulder morphs.
That would depend on whether the tools could be launched by script - if plug-ins they'd need at least some methods exposed to scripting, if scripts they would need to take parameters to tell them to run without intervention.
I'm an idiot, I can simplify the workflow by just creating a new animation frame for each random face then rendereing out to image series.