I am using Daz3dStudio, newly updated....and trying to use GoZ to Zbrush....all goes well, I do my morph that I am adding, then from zbrush I go to GoZ and when it comes back into Daz, I have not options to bring it in as a morph, only an object, really small box but it does not allow me to choose...example.....GoZ update Options box does not even open up. What am I don't wrong? It use to work with no problems. Please help
Did you use the export at Current resolution option when sending to ZBrush, or chnage the division level within Zbrush, or use any tools that add or remove geometry in yoru ZBrush editing?
Not sure, I did not export, I just hit Goz in daz, brought it into zbrush, when I hit zbrush to export a really tiny geometry to the model, it came back into daz as a new solid model, and only one small box opened and gave me no options to add as a morph.
When you use GoZ, on a sub-divided model, you are asked if you want to use the current resolution (or divisions - I can't rcall the exact wording). For a morph you don't.