Wet hands

I'm not sure if this belongs here or not. I'm trying to create wet hands (like they've just been under the faucet) for a scene I'm doing. Is there a way to only do the hands? I've read how to give a "sheen of sweat" over an entire body but I just want the hands to look wet.
Any ideas?
I would go with a Geoshell. You can hide everything but the hands, and then either apply a wet shader product (if you own one) or play with the UBER Shader values. There is a tutorial somwhere about how to create a wet look, I just don't have the link at hand at the moment. But with a geoshell as a start, you can hide everything except the hands and then go for the look you're after.
As Beat578 said, using a geoshell would be the best way to go. However you would first need to take your Genesis 8 model into Blender and use texture painting to create an opacity map, otherwise the wetness would end in a hard line at the shoulders.
That's quite an advanced topic, and it's hard to get across in a single forum post.
Moved to Daz Studio Discussion
There are some wet hands at the naughty store
Thank you for the feedback. I'm doing an image around washing your hands to stay healthy so I don't know if the naughty store would be any help ( thank you for the suggestion). I am going to try sending the figre to Blender. I'm not great at it but maybe this is the project I need to get more familiar with it.
Thank you again!
Something like this? Skin Doctor - Wet & Wild for Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s)
Off the top of my head, Grant Abbitt has some great texture painting tutorials. In your case, you would just need to create a black and white image to use as an opacity mask, representing where the water should and should not be, and then plug that into the geoshell's "Arms" surface.
Wow! A lot of options. As you can see from the image it wouldn't be a necessity but just one of those things the eyes sees, but doesn't see.
Thank you again.