can I add more functions to the right click contextual menu?

can I add things to the right click contextual menu?
I find myself clicking around in menus for specific tasks (lock node, unlock node, etc.) throughout making a scene? can I just add those specific tasks to the right click contextual menu? I've hotkeyed the bejebus out of the app, I'm just looking for a way to add to the contextual drop down.
Not as far as I know, without writing a custom plug-in (I don't think scripting will do it).
ok, thanks.
try using the QT plugin that comes with DAZ For ParticleFXDS4.8 we actually added a few panes and export options to it might be very doable..on amouse you would have to script key commands with mouse commands
and how do we get email confirmation of comments thru daz forums seems I dont recieve emails?
Click in the empty "star" in the upper left corner ...
Upper RIGHT corner.
hehehe ... good catch, sorry 'bout that!
VisualMenus has been my savior - worth every penny. It has saved me a lot of clicking.