What render settings do you recommend for my computer?

Hi everyone.
Sometimes my DAZ Studio can render things, sometimes it can't.
I've been able to render scenes with three characters, this time I want to do one with four or five. I don't know if it's something in the scene or in the settings: I've been able to render up to 960x1280 but I can't even render 200x200 in this specific scene.
I've been trying moving around Render Settings to see if it could work, getting mixed results. I tried removing many things that don't appear on-screen, but it didn't work.
I tried using these settings: but adapting it to my computer (obviously mine is not as powerful as his).
These are my computer settings:
ASUS Vivobook 15
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3500U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.10 GHz
8 GB RAM (6 usable GB)
Windows 10 64 bits.
You may need to lower the texture resolution - unless you are doing close-ups you don't need 4,000 pixel square maps, generally you can get away with textures thata re about the size of the render, or even smaller for group shots where there is space around the figures. Still, your memory is going to be very limiting - is there any prospect of upgrading it to 16GB?