I need an animation solution for DAZ characters.

Problems with DAZ Studio Animation:
- When you pin the translation and rotation of hands and feet, then use a slider to move the hips, feet & hands will randomly jitter and move in bizarre ways, plus massive amounts of lag so you can't see what's happening in real time. This essentially kills any hope of making a high quality animation in a short period of time.
I need a way to export a Genesis 8 or 8.1 figure to a 3rd party animation application and begin animating without having to make a rig from scratch. Basically pin the hands & feet so they DON'T MOVE, then be able to move parts of the body in real time with no lag or weird jitters and anamolies. I need absolute precision with DAZ Studio animation cannot offer. Once I'm done with the animation, I can export it back to DAZ Studio with ease then begin rendering.
Please, I need this solution preferably by the start of the next year, thank you!
Well, make yourself [or use pre-made] a set of poses. Along the timeline pose the figure and set a keyframe. Then as the timeline is scrubbed it should look pretty good. Tweak where necessary so the pose doesn't have body parts clipping of course.
The hands & feet don't stay in place. This is the biggest problem.
I set the same pose at keyframe 0 and 30. Then at keyframe 15, I want to prevent the feet from moving while moving the hip, but the feet always move, even if I use lock, toggle pin, pin translation & rotation. This is ridiculous.
Try applying a partial pose to the figure. Save one from the pose at 0, and apply it to the feet again at 15 [after you've moved the hip].
Dunno about animation, but both Diffeo and (I think some of) the official bridges have ways to export poses back to Daz Studio. Animation is basically just a bunch of keyframes, so you could just make a pose preset for every keyframe in another program and load them onto your figure at the appropriate frame. If you're doing a walk cycle, there's also a symmetry option that'll let you flip them. There was a terrible bug that made a character's head implode, but I think they fixed that now.
Though I agree Daz needs to step up their game with proper IK/animation support.
the exporting back doesn't go so well.
I can animate DAZ characters perfectly in iClone for example but always am faced with footsliding importing the animations into D|S, had the same issue with Unreal and Blender too, the only people who seem to have success use Motionbuilder which is beyond my budget.
I've played around with mcjAutoLimb2015 and that might be a workaround, if you're willing to apply it to every single frame of animation. But really, Daz needs to get on the ball when it comes to animation.
@vozolgant To be honest lately I've seen an impressive improvement in the animation tools, nonetheless I fear daz studio will never reach a professional animation suite. If professional animation tools is what you need then you can use diffeomorphic to export to blender, where you can use rigify. Then animate and render in blender, thus profiting from the superior speed of cycles and eevee. Materials are exported fine enough. No need to go back to daz studio for rendering.