COnverting gen4 skin surfaces to iray

Is there a good tutorial or good product for converting generation 4 skins to iray. I have riversoftart's 3dl to iray converter and that works for m4 textures sort of, but it tends to make them all lighter, so it works better on darker textures. I am wondering if there is a tutorial somewhere that might help me learn how to tweak them myself or a product that has various options. I have Maxx which does have skin tone conversion and glossy options but I am not sure the settings will work with, say, an M4 texture. Any advice appreciated.
This may be of use to you - - The Genesis mat optimizer will work on M4/V4 to convert them over to Iray but you will still need to tweak things as their skins where never set up for Iray.
I have had fairly good results with but I find for many of the conversions the skin looks too dry so I will tweak the glossy and top coat settings.
Thank you. That last one is on sale
Just apply the iray uber shader on the skin and you get some pretty good results already, I haven't tried it with the pbr shader yet, but I suspect it might work as well. Both will probably need some tweaks here and there.