render setting not seeming to work

All of a sudden, ny renders are NOT stopping at 2 hours (which I have set to). They're going 7 hours and longer until I stop them. I've attached my setting... AmI missing something? thanks!

render settings.jpg
1279 x 1414 - 332K
I THOUGHT that i had already posted this, but couldn't find it. For some reason my renders don't stop after 2 hours... they go for 7 hours and on until I stop them. I'm using the batch render plug-in with a bunch in the queue... but they just continue to render. I've attached my render settings... anything stand out?
Merged threads since you gave some more information in the second. Does a non-batch render render stop? What happens if you disable Batch Render (in Help>About Installed plug-ins) and restart Daz Studio?
Thank you for merging and reponding. I've restarted and also just rendered normally.... the renders still go way past 2 hours....