Is rigged FBX import finally fixed or have solutions been found?

Hey everyone,
so for years importing any rigged .fbx model, one of the most common 3d models in the world, has been impossible in Daz. Static models might (might) work, but anything that can move an arm of blink an eye tended to explode in some unusable impressionistic Picasso painting instead of it's original model. Since it's now 2021 and there've been some integration thingamajigs lately, I was wondering if the situation has changed. So is importing proper .fbx models finally possible, being worked on or have any solutions been found that don't require you to befriend or work at a digital studio like ILM or Weta Workshop?
Considering that FBX is basically a proprietary format I wouldn't be surprised if nothing really changed on this regard. With such formats it's not a one way street where you can "simply" fix things, it also depends on the license owner of said format how well that can be handled.
I keep pointing out DAZ makes the choices, they added a perfectly robust FBX exporter and importer to Carrara 8.1 with an update in 8.5
7 years ago!
So the reasons are not related to licensing.
I cannot speak or speculate on behalf of DAZ as to why but can unequivocally say they obviously don't want to add it at this point, the fact DAZ studio was created solely to load DAZ content suggests a lot.
They are bending over backwards to add bridges to export DAZ content to other software.
DAZ sells content.
Thanks Wendy. Just wondering: can importing through Carrara into Daz in any way help or does the import issue remain?
no sadly, FBX imported into Poser and saved as a cr2 is your only possibility to get into DAZ studio
FBX importing and exporting is a crapshoot in DAZ. I've tried this over the years and there really is NO good option that is consistent. There really has not been any direction on this either from DAZ or the community.
The only way I can bring in rigged characters into DAZ is to use a very (I mean VERY) obscure importer called "MMD Importer" by shinokawa. In Blender, using CATS plugin (with mmd_tools), I can convert any character with bones (or amature) into MMD format (.pmx file) - then import the .pmx file into DAZ using the MMD Importer plugin. It has been my go to for years. Unfortunately, animations cannot be imported in this way, sadly.
I think that's a differnt MMD from the oen people are likely to think of first. MMD is a vertex cache format which stores the motion of each vertex on a model so you are guaranteed to get the same result in the destination application as in the source, but with no editing possible except at the vertex level. I think your MMD is MikuMikuDance (or something like that).
True story; I actually have that obscure importer and used it once before succesfully for a pmx. Although never with FBX, interesting. Problem is I sadly so not understand Blender at all. I tried, but its... I dunno my brain stops thinking when I try anything in it.
Are you referring to mdd format (its an option in DAZ Export)?
You are right, the MMD I am referring to is MikuMikuDance.
to export blender figures to daz studio there's also the addon by @millighost
Oh, yeah...