It is Sad when...

I rebuilt my DAZ Studio machine and loaded all my assets with DAZ Central. I have been waitung days to get all of the updates through DAZ Connect and some won't even update. DAZ Connect has always been a huge bottleneck! I would have thought they would have fixed it by now. Funny that DAZ Central didn't download the updates when the asset was installed. I have been with Studio for many years and this type of issue has plauged me every since DAZ Connect was made live. Very Frustrating!!
DIM is the best way to install products. Daz Central Connect is for beginners. It's just a striped down version of DIM. You have more control with DIM and is recommended to use that if your familiar with the DS files structure.
Edit: I meant Central not Connect, gez I keep getting them confused
Central is the simplified version of DIM. Connect is the install method integrated in to DAZ Studio. If you installed with either Central or DIM you should not being using Connect so switch off DS's on-line function.