Carrara Loaded Empty

Hello all, this maay be a silly question coming from a long time Carrara user. I loaded Carrara on another PC and it is completely bare. Non of the native content loaded with it. Objects, shaders, nothing. How do I solve this problem.
you have to install or copy over the native content ,,
did you open the render node version by mistake?
Hey Wendy, Nope, I loaded Carrara and It was completely bare. I had this problem before, years ago, and loaded all of it manually via the DAZ folders. But I can't remember how I did it.
you can probably copy your preferences file over from your other computer or edit it if content on a different drive
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Carrara 8.5
otherwise need to manually add it all
and make sure you install the separate Wizard content
That sounds good. I'll try it, thanks.