Using Speech Recognition to command DS?

Is it possible to use my voice/speech recognition to issue DAZ Studio commands? Doing repetitive tasks/clicking got me to thinking there must be a better way. Thanks for any info about this!
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Is it possible to use my voice/speech recognition to issue DAZ Studio commands? Doing repetitive tasks/clicking got me to thinking there must be a better way. Thanks for any info about this!
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Not test for myself and maybe not you really wanted , but using midi controller like from this plugin seem fun
I think Windows has an option for that, not specifically DAZ studio but any program, not investigated it
Yeah I have some experience with speech recognition outside of DS, and wrote some scripts for my own use inside DS. It's currently setup/running to display different panes, activate different tools, switch to different views, execute common editing tasks like duplicate, delete, undo redo, etc. It does so reliably, and makes working in DS much more relaxing.
I also would like to add content library navigation, geometry editing, and some commands to aid in setting parameters. There are some technical hurdles to overcome for these operations and I don't want to waste too much time on it before DS5 is released, though.
- Greg
Thanks Greg. I probably won't deal with writing DS scripts, was hoping for maybe a Windows macro type app that would take the speech commands and covert them to a keyboard action using DS shortcuts.
That's part of the approach I took. The scripting is there to handle that, and setup the KB shortcuts, making it both easy and done in such a way so as to not take up keyboard shortcuts the user could otherwise define themselves.
The scripts also make it so other logic and API functions can be used, allowing for much more complex operations than the ones exposed by existing actions. Ideally, I'd like for it to be aware of what's on the screen and "smart" like a human user because of this awareness.
I've considered seeing if DAZ is interested, but getting it all packaged, distributed, installed, licensed, and running on somebody else's machine presents some challenges, too. This seems to be a recurring theme for many of the projects I get involved in. I'm not sure there would be enough money for licensing, or interest to make it worthwhile applying polish to this turd lol.
- Greg