Daz Error or poorly installed

So i had Daz worked perfectly but i wanted to remove some items and install some others and with all the confusion just uninstalled and deleted some folders.
THEN reinstalled it so i thought properly and now this type of borders appear + some of the items that claim to be there arent when i click on it meaning need to reinstall..
How do i do a TOTAL wipe so can resinstall
OR fix this issue...
Thank you

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Post edited by elidaman198 on
Note that the products that are working have a triangle in a broken circle icon at top-right, while the ones that are missing at least their thumbnail don't. The icon means that the item is isntalled through an external tool, its absence means installed through Daz Studio itself. The first thing I would try, if you are not aware of having done that, is right-click on those items and select Uninstall (so that DS no longer shows them as installed through Daz Studio). If a DIM/Daz central/manual install isn't then showing it's probably a pathing issue - DS doesn't know the folder that is being installed to.
meh reinstalling them back all in as feel this created all sort od issues and confusion... i plan to buy much more items and lot of those assets intefere with the items i would liek to use...
is there a way to hide install items or at least a way to disable them from appearing and then when i need them to reappear.. hope didnt confuse you in the request
Not in Daz Studio, in Install Manager you can hide things via the right-click menu and show them with the Show Hidden Items check box (in the Ready to Download tab).
meh, ok thank you