Content in C Drive but Uninstalled in DAZ or DIM Reinstall After Memory Full

Hi. When recently loading a large asset into DAZ from Daz Central, my computer's C drive memory was exhaausted though i thought I'd cleared enough space. I stopped the download, emptied more space and then resumed. The asset did not completely load. I then uninstalled DAZ and DIM and reinstalled, believing that items would be uninstalled whiich would clear memory and I could selectively reinmstall the assets I needed. The assets were uninstalled in DAZ and show as ready to download in DIM but remain in the C Drive. Reinstalling reduces memory. I still have a nearly full C Drive with only a fraction of my DAZ assets installed. 3rd party content backed up in storage loaded fine.
Both applications use separate manifest files to track whjat they have isntalled, and uninstalling the installer doesn't remove current cotnent. I think that you deleted the manifests while clearing up, so the applications no longer have a record of having installed the content initially - and when they do a fersh install they will see that the files are already present and assume that they are used by something else, so they will make a note not to uninstall them if you then uninstall the products (in the InstallManagerFileRegister.json file in the root of the content directory). It would have been better to uninstall through the DIM/Daz Central - it would also be a good diea to use soemthing other than the C: drive for content if possible.
Your other thread has been removed - please do not post the same topic in two places.
Thanks for the response Richard - reposted because I couldn't find it in Nuts and Bolts. Figured it was a registry issue but am uncertain whether to go into DazCentral and uninstall/clear the assets and reinstall as needed or go deeper through the registry files themselves? No big deal to start frrom scratch - done it before :)
Planning to run the whole program through a strong extertnal hard drive as soon as it arrives - the portability will be a great help also...
There is not much, as far as I know, in the Registry - and support would quite possibly wash their hands of you if theer were issues as a result. DIM keeps most of itss ettings in files - .ini files in
%AppData%/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/
and the manifest and file register files mentioned above.
Thanks Richard - I'll limp along with what I have until the external comes in...