Ubersurface2 errors and issues

Using Dazstudio 4.7 and the latest version of US2 from DIM.
My error is this at render time:
Rendering in 3Delight
Rendering Image
3Delight message #45 (Severity 1): S2072: the shader '/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/shaders/omnifreaker/displacement/omDispStandard2.sdl' uses a different interface version. Automatic conversion was successful. It should be recompiled for better performance.
3Delight message #46 (Severity 2): R2086: incomplete (or invalid) parameters set for subsurface scattering (in shader 'omnifreaker/surface/omUberSurface2' on object 'shapematerial_Face_163835_263a6')
and my issue is this:
the 'dirt' Layer2 setting does not seamlessly spread across my genesis2 figure. The edges are evident and harsh around the lips, skull/head seams, and on the shoulders/torso area.

What product are you using for your textures and for what figure? Does it come with material presets? Is this your own set?
Using the base skins that come with M6, Bjorn and Phillip
Are you applying them with their material presets? Where is this "dirt" layer from?
dirt comes from the USS2 pack, a preset! ( way late reply )
It's nothing to worry about, really. In my tests it slowed the render down between 1 and 3%...there is a script somewhere (can't think of where right now) that will recompile the shaders for you.
Found it...
That one usually means something like 'samples', SSS group ID or some other vital parameter wasn't set.