Getting Clothes to fit across Characters / Shapes

I'm sure this has been asked before, but searching is bringing up a slew of unrelated topics.
If I purchased an outfit for 8.0&8.1 Female and it specifies Supported Shapes. Are those the ONLY shapes it'll work with?
E.g., I have the Kiko character I'm trying to fit pieces from -- say either the Tara Outfit or the Warrior Queen Outfit (neither Outfit specifies Kiko under Supported Shapes), does that mean those Outfits won't work? Or will they work, but I'll have some finagling to do to get them to fit?
Thank you.
They will "work" as best they can. The difference is that with the listed supported shapes the clothing should fit perfectly out-of-the-box. Other shapes DS will try to follow and they may look just fine, but if your character shape is extreme in any way then you may have to fiddle to get a better fit (applying smoothing or upping the parameters if it's already applied may be enough).
ETA: I don't have Kiko but the shape itself doesn't look too extreme, although you may have trouble getting that tail to look right in clothing!
Thank you for the reply.
Maybe I'll try an inexpensive option to do some testing before diving into the several Outfit packs I've been eyeing.
In Daz Studio, Add smoothing modifer. Add interation and instances. Or take into Blender and fix clothes with modeler and create your own morphs.
Thanks, but you're assuming an awful lot there.
In my opinion, the "Supported Shapes" are just waste of space and resources.
The clothing will autofollow the morphs on the figure in most of the cases and in cases where there's poke throught etc. the problem is not with the morphs but the SubD on the figure.
The point of a custom morph is to avoid unwanted effects of AutoFollow - clinging to every bump and fold added by the morph (usually most obvious with breastsfor female figuers and pecs and other pronounced muscle detail for males)
Thanks for all of the input. I did try one of the outfit items and it seemed to morph to the character without any issues.
As a follow-up question. If a wearable is designed for the Genisys 3, I'm assuming I may have more of a fitment issue?
I find the autofit either doesn't work or gives subpar results 50% of the time on G8 clothes to G3.
I use: and havent found anything it can't convert properly yet.
It won't do accessories, there is a separate further paid product from the same PA if you need that I believe.
Edit: on the follow up Q, I never have trouble using G3 clothing on G8 and just use the built in autofit everytime.
The problem with Autofit is that it removes the original bone structure of the item that is fitted, and if those bones were used by some morph on the item, that morph doesn't work after Autofitting.
G3 Hairs and clothing that doesn't have sleeves or parts covering the legs, can be used on G8/G8.1 by loading the item into the scene with no figure selected, then changing the "Preferred Base" in "Scene Identification" from Genesis 3 Male/Female to Genesis 8/8.1 Male/Female and the item will fit and work on the figure like it was originally made for G8/8.1.
You can convert clothes between G3 and G8 by doing the scene identification trick too - it's just more complicated because of the T-pose/A-pose thing. Instructions here:
I find that I have to create morphs for almost every item of clothing I buy. Clothes do not allow for nipples, for example, even when the promo page says they do (I wish the artists would add some polygon density to the nipple area, by the way). Then there's HD - the clothes look like they fit in the viewport but if HD morphs have been added to the character, beware of poke-through on render.
Then there's the age-old problem of the bust crease. Very few tops fit a morphed character properly so it is off to Blender immediately to smooth out that ugly mess under the bust. If you only use G8F in her base form, the clothes fit fantastically but otherwise, forget it. Oh and the groin delta - that V-Shaped distortion that is projected on to the front of skirts and dresses. All these have been a problem as long as I have been buying from the store - you'd think they would have come up with a solution by now.
You don't need to create morphs for the buttons, just use the ones that have been transferred from the figure when fitting the clothing, they are there although hidden (Show Hidden Properties)
If you need more options, just dial another related slider to 0.01 and it's added to the clothing.
Buttons? Do you mean nipples?
I loaded a T-shirt, took a look through all the hidden properties but couldn't find any to do with nipples. Some for chest which had little effect but nothing that would save me the trouble of creating morphs.
[EDIT] - Oh, right, I see now. DIal in one of the associated parameters on the G8F figure and it brings in a hidden property for the shirt. Got it - thanks.
Thank you all for the feedback.
Yeah, the Gen 3 clothing seemed to conform and work fine.
Now I'm having a weird issue with fitting a hair product. When I add it to the scene it conforms perfectly... then after a second or two it just automatically scales UP for some reason. I've tried adjusting the SCALE, but it doesn't really scale properly and just looks off. Not sure what is going on here.
You are forgetting that Daz Studio is not the only program that may be loading these figures. For example in Carrara they do require the "supported shapes" as autofollow does not exist.
You can also just use mesh grabber, it'll save you the time going into Blender, it's not as accurate but how many polygons are you manipulating for just a nipple?
Here's a tip for those unrealistic breast conforming tops, use smoothing and set it to like 40 or 50 or higher.