How do I make a .obj model work as a normal hair pieces?

I already imported it to my figure and looks great, but how I make Daz recognize it as a hair piece, so it moves with my figure, appear on the library and all of that?
And how do I add some basic wind movement?
Use the little icon in the corner of your scene tree and find the Transfer Utility. Use that to copy the rigging and weight maps over from a Genesis figure. Then you can parent it to the figure like any other piece of clothing.
You need to model the wind movement yourself in your editor, and import them as morphs by using Morph Loader Pro (found under Edit -> Figure).
I did it and nothing happened, I alrready modeled the hair over a imported genesis figure in blender. So I gess I don't need to do the transfer utility part. I just parented to the genesis figure and now it move with it. Now, how do I make my hair piece appear on the library?
You need to use Transfer Utility if you want the hair to be a top-level object, under the figure in the scene tree. Otherwise it'll be buried deep down under the head bone. You also need to use Transfer Utility if you want your hair to have bones.
If you want it to appear in the library, go to your Content Library pane and right-click the topmost folder. It'll give you the option to add a folder from your file system. Then just save your files in there and they'll be loaded automatically.
If I apply a pose the hair dont follows the pose and if I "fit" the hair to the genesis figure it gets all deformed, how can I avoid that?
I fixed it, I just parented the hair model to the head without fitting it or using the transfer utility. Now it moves along poses correctly
Depends what's causing it. The Transfer Utility will bring over morphs intended for clothing; you can show hidden properties and delete them. Or it could be that a character morph is causing distortion, in which case you'd need to create a rigidity map. Just saying "it gets all deformed" doesn't help much.
Without seeing an image of the hair and the Transfer Utility settings it's not really possible to offer much advice. Items thata re very far from the skin can be problematic; the model needs to be made around the base shape, or you need to set the source shape and enable Reverse Source Shpe from target in the dialogue; the Transfer utility works on the shape as imported, any modifications added in DS are ignored; the bones and rig will be that of the base figure, if you need custom bones for things like tails you need to add them manually after using the utility for basic set up.